Plastics Are Fantastic workshops – Green Scene 2013


Wednesday 11 September was a day full of fun learning and creativity thanks to Green Scene Environmental Learning Festival organised by National Trust for Scotland.

Sustainable Communities Initiatives delivered “Plastics Are Fantastic” workshops for primary pupils. Under the guidance of our energetic facilitator Joeann, children produced rockets, flowers, spiders, bird feeders and wind mills out of used plastic bottles, the material that is a third major waste in the cities.

Re-using plastic not only can be a pro-environmental practice, but it is also an inexpensive and easy method of making learning fun. Children that took part in our sessions were very creative and engaged. Teachers told us, that they had more ideas and wanted to continue this kind of activities when back to schools.

Good news for those, that couldn’t attend Green Scene this time but would like to learn how to re-use plastics in a creative way – Sustainable Communities Initiatives published a booklet “Plastics Are (Still) Fantastic”, with plenty of colorful illustrations and handy tips. It can be purchased from our on-line shop here: as well as directly at Earthship Fife Visitor Centre in Kinghorn.

If you would like to book creative waste workshops for your school or community group, please e-mail us at or phone 01592 891884.

Interesting fact: According to British Plastics Federation, The UK uses over 5 million tonnes of plastic each year of which an estimated 24% is currently being recovered or recycled.