Plastics Are Fantastic workshops – Green Scene 2013


Wednesday 11 September was a day full of fun learning and creativity thanks to Green Scene Environmental Learning Festival organised by National Trust for Scotland.

Sustainable Communities Initiatives delivered “Plastics Are Fantastic” workshops for primary pupils. Under the guidance of our energetic facilitator Joeann, children produced rockets, flowers, spiders, bird feeders and wind mills out of used plastic bottles, the material that is a third major waste in the cities.

Re-using plastic not only can be a pro-environmental practice, but it is also an inexpensive and easy method of making learning fun. Children that took part in our sessions were very creative and engaged. Teachers told us, that they had more ideas and wanted to continue this kind of activities when back to schools.

Good news for those, that couldn’t attend Green Scene this time but would like to learn how to re-use plastics in a creative way – Sustainable Communities Initiatives published a booklet “Plastics Are (Still) Fantastic”, with plenty of colorful illustrations and handy tips. It can be purchased from our on-line shop here: as well as directly at Earthship Fife Visitor Centre in Kinghorn.

If you would like to book creative waste workshops for your school or community group, please e-mail us at or phone 01592 891884.

Interesting fact: According to British Plastics Federation, The UK uses over 5 million tonnes of plastic each year of which an estimated 24% is currently being recovered or recycled.

Doors Open Day at Earthship


On Sunday, 15th of September Earthship Fife Visitor Centre will be open from 11 am to 5 pm. Drop in and learn about the idea behind this sustainable building, powered by water and wind turbines, solar panels and smart design.

Free audio tours will be available for visitors.  You will also have a chance to ask questions and learn more from our officers, who will make sure to turn your curiosity into inspiration.

The event is a part of Doors Open Days organised by the Scottish Civic Trust. For more info, go to:

Interesting fact: Earthship Fife will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2014.

Children go eco!

Children go eco!

SCI at the Earthship worked together with Burntisland Primary School in March to run an Eco Week for the children. This is the third year in a row SCI have delivered the schools eco week. The theme for this year’s Eco Week was ‘outdoor learning’. Primary 1, 2 and 3 went to the local beach with Paula, whilst primary 4 and 5 spent some time in a local woods with Tony Wilson, a ranger. The primary 6s came out to Kinghorn Loch to learn all about the Earthship and to design their own eco building with Penny and Louise. They also had great fun exploring the ‘rabbit warren’, also made out of tyres, built at the same time as the Earthship in 2004.

It was an unexpectedly cold week but the feedback from the children was fantastic. And you should have seen some of the designs they came up with for their eco buildings. Perhaps there is a future Earthship builder among them!

Feel free to browse our flickr gallery (to the right of the site) to see a group of young enthusiasts of alternative buildings.

If you are a teacher or parent yourself, why not come along with your children and have a knowledge-packed tour at Earthship and later on participate in a creative workshop? Please, refer to the Sustainable Communities Initiatives’ website for green ways days’ details:

Interesting fact: once you collect 1500 plastic bottles you can build a plastic bottle greenhouse out of them.

Stories over a cuppa


Close your eyes…Seriously, close them. Now think of a house of your dreams. Imagine it has everything you want and need. Think about colours, temperature, light, space, designs. Try to describe your dream-house in five words using adjectives.

Now ask your friends what are their dream homes like? You shouldn’t be surprised that most of us want a spacious, sunny and warm place to live. We may like different styles, colours and finishes, but who dare to deny a wish to have  a bright and cosy home?

You may be looking for an inspiration for your future home, or be a lover of an alternative building techniques, or our neighbour who’s been wondering what exactly Earthship is. Whatever brought you to look for Earthship Fife, you are welcome! We have time, stories and cups of hot drinks to share with you.

Drop in to talk about your dreams, unconventional housing, sustainability, recycling and communities or book a tour to get an in-depth guidance on how to build a house out of earth-rammed tyres. Please, refer to the website or call the office on 01592 891884 to check opening hours.

Interesting fact: Earthships can be as big as you want.